Disco Tray Week #1

Hello! I have recently joined the Disco Tray team, which will allow me to work on computer science projects that will have an impact on our community. I am really looking forward to working on them this semester! For my first project, I will be working with a group to finish the Faulkner Footsteps app for the Faulkner County Historical Society. We will be presenting this app to the Historical Society in April.

The app has a map that displays the location of historical sites in Faulkner County, along with information on these sites. There is also an achievement page that shows the locations that the user has visited. This week, I worked on adding location to the app, which centers the map of the historical sites on the current location of the user instead of a preset location. I will continue to work on location, with the app hopefully tying user achievements to the location of the user soon. Our group has also worked on fixing some bugs in the app and adding pictures to the app’s Firebase database. I believe that the app is coming along nicely and will be ready for April.

In other news, welcome to my website! I bought this domain a couple of years ago, but I have not done much with it in a while. I hope to have time to improve this website so there will be a sleeker and more stylish dylwcar.com soon.






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