Disco Tray Post #2

Hey all, it has been a while since I have posted an update about my work at Disco Tray, I will try to do a better job of posting more frequent updates in the future. My group has been working on the Faulkner footsteps app and we have made solid progress in the past few weeks.

I have been working on improving the location functionality on the app. The app now notifies a user if they are near a location and will allow them to view more information on the location or mark that they have visited the site. I have also moved the location of the sites to the firestore database so it is no longer hardcoded. The dialog has been recently improved so that it will show a picture of the site. I have also a marker showing the current location of the sure. The app seems to be almost ready for release, with most of the major issues fixed.

I have also been working on the School Audit Navigator app from last semester. The app uses the Federal Audit Clearinghouse API to show data about federal grants towards educational institutions. I have removed the favorite function of the app and fixed some bugs with getting data from the API. The app should also be ready soon.






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